Financial Assistance | Asistencia Financiera
At Palatine Pack TFCC, we want every athlete to get a chance to compete and be a part of a team. We never want finances to be a reason an athlete cannot be part of the team. No athlete will be turned away due to inability to pay
We offer everything from free registration to reduced rates, payment plans and other forms of financial assistance to those families who require assistance.
While athletes are allowed to miss practies, there are no reduced rates for athletes that will miss part of the season. Financial assistance is reserved for families who are in financial hardships.
Please email us at to chat with us about how we can assist you and your family.
En Palatine Pack TFCC, queremos que todos los atletas tengan la oportunidad de competir y ser parte de un equipo. Nunca queremos que las finanzas sean una razón por la que un atleta no puede ser parte del equipo.
Ofrecemos planes de pago y otras formas de asistencia financiera a aquellos que puedan necesitar ayuda.
Envíenos un correo electrónico a para conversar con nosotros sobre cómo podemos ayudarlo a usted y a su familia.